
Chatbots in education

Chatbots are one of many great promises in information technology. They were conceived as a new interface, designed to replace or complement applications or visits to a website by having users simply interact with a…

A Day’s Worth of Data

Each and every day we share data about ourselves without thinking twice. Most of us know about ‘big data’, but we don’t really put our own media-use into context. Therefore, in this video we tried…


Despite its slow rise in the 1930s, television has developed rapidly. Back in the sixties radio was replaced by TV and became a mass medium. Nowadays almost every household owns a television. Due to the…

360° Video

Trend origin 360° videos are recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time. So it is a video recording, which allows the viewer to see all 360 degrees of the…

Lip Sync

LIP SYNC the new social media hype   The topic, we are talking about in this article is „Lip Sync.“ We want to explain what lip sync is, where it came from, how it is…

Personalization in Media Use – The Age of You

–AND OF EVERYONE ELSE The trend of personalization has been around ever since the first religious text was written. That meant personalization for a people and a region. Then came personalization for a city. Then…

Personalization: Chatbots

Chatbots (or chatting bots) are computer programs that simulate human conversations, or chat, through artificial intelligence. Chatbot is a composition of the words “to chat”, describing a human conversation or messaging, and (ro)bot. A robot…

Personalization in Social Media

To understand the wording Social Media we have to take a closer look on what is meant to it. Social media ist the collective of online communication channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content –sharing…