July 2017

A world without technical boundaries

The change of technology has left a mark on the 21st century. New and handy inventions appear and there is not a day that goes by that people are not fascinated about new technological creations….

Viral Marketing

In today’s fast and busy world companies are trying to make up new kinds of marketing tactics. One very useful and effective marketing strategy is viral marketing. It is a marketing technique which spreads a…

Facebook live

  1. What is Facebook live? “Broadcast to the largest audience in the world with the camera in your pocket.”    Facebook Live is a Facebook feature that allows all users to film themselves in…

AR and VR Advertising

When people watched Sci-Fi or Fantasy movies in the past, they dreamed about the opportunity to be a part of these worlds. Meanwhile these dreams can become true. All the fantastic ideas from these movies…

Influencer Marketing

Definiton  Influencer marketing is a form of marketing. A third person advertises products for a brand or an enterprise. Influencer marketing is based on cooperations and Influencers can reach certain target groups better. It’s the…